Father’s Day Is This Sunday
The bourbon maker Woodford Reserve recently asked 2,000 fathers what they want for Father’s Day. Here are the top 15 gifts they want …
1. A meal out with the family
2. A bottle of bourbon
3. A watch
4. A holiday/break
5. Clothes
6. Smart speaker
7. A steak dinner
8. Football ticket
9. Craft beer
10. Fancy coffee
11. Aftershave
12. Trip to the pub
13. Pizza oven
14. Photography accessories
15. Socks
Father’s Day Trending …
– 15% of dads have told a white lie to their children ( Four Star Pizza)
– 15% of dads work late to avoid their children’s bedtime routine. (Better Bathrooms)
– 66% of dads want their partner to tell them they do a good job every now and then (The Today Show)
– 7% of dads say their partner never gets out of bed at night to check on their baby. (Owlett Baby Care)
– A survey by the TV show Good Food reveals that 33% of dads take on the sole responsibility of cooking for the family.
– 84% of people believe that dads should walk their daughters down the aisle (Harris)
– 20% of sons call their dads for advice on home maintenance jobs. (GEM Motoring Assist)
– 50% of dads regularly shout at other drivers (GEM Motoring Assist)
– Dads perform 10 jobs on a daily basis including: Day Care Center Teacher, CEO, Psychologist, Cook, Housekeeper, Laundry Machine Operator, Computer Operator, Facilities Manager, Janitor and Van Driver. (Salary.com)
Male Pregnancy Symptoms: A Father’s Day study by London’s St. George’s Hospital reveals that some men endure the same symptoms as women do during pregnancy. Doctors studied 282 expectant fathers and found the majority experienced cramps, back pain, mood swings, food cravings, morning sickness, tiredness, depression and irritability. Some gained weight and developed their own “baby bump”. Stomach cramps were the most common complaint.
Life’s Lessons
A Father’s Day survey by Not Your Father’s Root Beer reveals that 30% of people say their father taught them how to cook. Other findings:
– 25% of Millennials say their father taught them how to clean
– 30% of people say their father taught them how to manage money.
– 8% of people say their father taught them how to hide junk food from their mom
– 14% of people say their father introduced them to beer
1. How to ride a bike
2. How to drive a car
3. Repair and maintenance
4. Decision-making skills
5. Money Management
6. Change a tire
7. Leadership
8. Read a map
9. How to deal with stress/problems
10. Cooking
Ice Cream Survey
A survey by Baskin Robbins reveals that 66% of moms, compared to 58% of dads, give their children ice cream as a reward for doing something well. Other findings:
– 66% of parents use ice cream to motivate their kids to do something they don’t enjoy
– dads are 65% more likely than moms to use ice cream as an incentive to get their children to do chores
– 54% of parents have used ice cream to resolve a conflict.
– 72% of dads compared to 54% of moms eat ice cream on a weekly basis
– moms are five times more likely than dads to eat ice cream alone
Father’s Day Survey
A survey by Fatherly.com reveals that 63% of working dads envy stay-at-home dads. Other findings:
– 19% of dads feel guilty about not being present enough with their children
– 17% of fathers feel guilty for working too much
– 28% of fathers feel guilty about not making enough money to provide for their family
– 49% of fathers say they would rather receive a raise at work than spend more time with their family