How Do You Know if Someone’s Cheating on You?
6 Signs Your Partner Is Cheating.
We’ve all been there, wondering if the person we are with is cheating on us. Now there are six signs to look for in a cheating partner.
One-Overly protective of their phone. Are they on their phone a lot and/or hiding it from you? This is especially noteworthy if this isn’t how they usually are about their phone.
Two-The Car. Does it have more miles? Is the passenger seat in a different position than usual? Strange objects in car like makeup, hair accessories, under wear??
Three-The Sudden Makeover. Are they spending a lot of time on their appearance and working out? Also a sudden urge to do their own laundry when normally you do it.
Four-New interests and vocabulary. If they start using new words or playing a new sport get nosey and ask them where that interest came from.
Five-Change in Connection. If they use to come home and tell you everything about their day and now they don’t. Also changes in sexual frequency.
Six-Money Moves. There is the old looking at the statements for hotel charges but also pay attention to cash withdrawals. They may be paying for everything in cash so you may see excessive cash withdrawals. Have you ever been cheated or got caught cheating? Which of these six signs was the one that got you caught?
Worried about your partner cheating? @DrJennMann explains 6 *modern* signs that they might be stepping out.
— InStyle (@InStyle) September 19, 2018