Drake’s High School Teacher Slides Into His DMs
Drake is used to the accolades he gets and now that he has beaten The Beatles record for having the most Top 10 singles in a year, he’s getting even more people who want to congratulate him on his success. But there was only one congratulatory text message that Drake was excited to respond to and it was from his favorite high school teacher. Drake’s teacher sent a screenshot of his Billboard piece announcing the news along with a text saying: “WOW!!!! That’s pretty incredible! I often wonder what your 16/17 [year-old] self would think. Pretty awesome! Congrats!” Drake responded to the text message writing, “I don’t think my 16 or 17-year-old self could comprehend I would just want a Nestea and to figure out how to turn my 61% into a 73% ASAP.”
Is there a teacher that you still keep in touch with?