Mel B Throws Shade at Victoria Beckham
Mel B takes Halloween swipe at Victoria Beckham at star-studded party in NY
Spice Girl Mel B attended Heidi Klum’s Halloween Party last night, and her costume is getting a lot of buzz for the statement it made to fellow Spice Girl Victoria Beckham. Mel came to the party with her rumored boyfriend Gary Madatyan, and the two were dressed as Victoria and David Beckham. The part of Mel’s costume that got people talking was a plastic axe that read, “No I am not going on tour.” A dig at her bandmate for not wanting to go on tour with the group. Her boyfriend, dressed as her husband David, carried a sign that said, “Please please please do it for the Spice fans.”
Do you think that the Spice Girls should go on tour without Beckham? Would you still get tickets even though Beckham isn’t part of the tour?