Millennials Are Mad At Monopoly For Millennials – Do Not Pass Go
And, whatever you do, don’t buy a millennial one for Christmas.
“Monopoly For Millennials” has a lot of MILLENNIALS mad. Read about it HERE on MSN
Taking selfies, wearing headphones and a participation medal was supposed to be funny, and entertaining. With tag lines like, “Forget real estate, you can’t afford it” and “Adulting is hard”. Game pieces include a hashtag, and a crying emoji.
Many have taken to social media. Some amused. Others, not so much. It’s available at Walmart. And BTW, Hasbro defended the game, saying they have millennials on staff.
Here’s a Monopoly game for you, dear millennial (but you may not like it)
— City Pages (@citypages) November 16, 2018