6 Relationship Warning Signs That Could Destroy Your Marriage
6 Relationship Warning Signs That Could Destroy Your Marriage There are things in a relationship that, if done, can destroy a marriage.
Many things we do to our partners can cause damage to their self-esteem if you’re having any of the following problems you should get to the root of them quickly.
If your partner’s anger is more of a rage, then your self-esteem is taking a huge hit whether you realize it or not, it could also be hurting the one in rage. Sarcasm may seem innocent but it’s demeaning and can make one too self-critical, giving the cold shoulder isn’t a good idea either, it can make your partner feel disempowered since they have to wait for you to want to talk about the issues.
Name calling should never happen in a relationship, think before you speak, how would you feel about being called an idiot or stupid? Imagine if name calling turned into an insult match, this hurts both you and your partner, not to mention the kids that might be listening.
If a partner is the type to break down crying when an argument ensues don’t let it be the reason you don’t get you feelings heard, allow them to cry it out but also explain to them what hurts you.
Are any of the warning signs present in your marriage? How do you plan to overcome them?