New Bill Would Decriminalize Marijuana Possession in Florida by 2020
Democratic State Rep. Shevrin Jones has introduced a bill that would decriminalize 20 grams or less of weed in Florida.
The person would be charged with a noncriminal violation rather than a misdemeanor, which is the current law. The bill is modeled after similar bills from New York and Ohio.
“When we look at those individuals who are being arrested for marijuana possession, well, they look like me,” Jones, a black State Representative, tells New Times. “We have to, as a state, look at the equity within our justice system. Some are jailed while others are given a slap on the wrist for the same crime. There should be parity here.”
"The pitch is criminal justice reform. Our state is not in a place to move forward with recreational marijuana right now. I know what the polls show, but I don't think Florida is in a place to do that," Jones says. #WEthePEOPLE
— Shevrin “Shev” Jones (@ShevrinJones) August 6, 2019