An Undercover Cop Pretending To Be A Prostitute Agrees To Trade A Hamburger For Sex For Man Short On Cash
Somehow this didn’t happen in Florida.
A police sting operation in Albuquerque was set up to catch men soliciting a “prostitute” for sex. The “prostitute” was an undercover police officer.
When a man, 36-year-old Dominic Calderon, rode up on a bicycle the two engaged in conversation and agreed upon a price. The man asked if he could call her on Friday because he was short on cash.
The officer asked him what was in the bag he was carrying and he replied “a hamburger”. The officer told him the fee could be the hamburger and when he agreed he was arrested.
The hamburger was tagged as evidence.
Joe Winner spends his days combing through memes and off beat stories to bring you the side of Florida not always seen.