Neighbors use RC car to drive beer to each other to maintain social distancing
Milwaukee Man Practices Social Distancing by Delivering Beer to Friend with RC Car As the number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the U.S. continues to rise, more residents appear to be taken social distancing orders more seriously — even when they run out of what they consider to be “essential” supplies.
For evidence, look no further than a video uploaded to social media by Milwaukee resident Trevor Reinke. When Reinke ran out of beer on Tuesday, one of his neighbors — Eric Trzcinski, who lives across the street — was more than happy to give his buddy a cool one. But, not wanting to violate social distancing orders, Trzcinski had to get creative.
The video shows Trzcinski attaching an old exhaust pipe to a remote-controlled car and placing a bottle of beer in the makeshift holder. He then sends the RC vehicle on its way, remotely navigating it across the street to a thankful Reinke.
Since it was uploaded, the clip has garnered more than 6 million views.
How has your life changed since the coronavirus emerged? What have you had to live without?