Meat Sales Are Soaring, But Nobody Seems to Be Buying Bacon
Meat Sales are Soaring but Nobody’s Buying Bacon You know the scene; you head into the grocery store, mindfully distant from other shoppers, hoping to find at least one sliver of steak in the meat department, only to find everything’s sold.
But have you noticed the bacon on hand? As meat sales soar – the week of March 22nd had a whopping 91% increase in meat sales alone – Bloomberg News says people don’t seem to see bacon as hot item to stockpile.
I’ll let you bacon lovers in on a little secret; while the demand for something like eggs has caused their prices to skyrocket by 180%, bacon is the cheapest it has been since 1999 at around 41 cents a pound. A market consultant thinks he knows why people are passing the pig candy while shopping during the outbreak.
He told Bloomberg News that people simply prefer to get their bacon from the drive-thru rather than frying it up themselves at home. Have you noticed that bacon seems available at your markets?
Will you take advantage of the low bacon prices? Do you avoid buying bacon from the store since you have to fry it yourself?