Darling The Manatee Is Released Back Into The Wild
A manatee that was rescued earlier this year has recovered and is doing well. And now is going back home into the wild.
According to NBC 2, a manatee who has been nicknamed “Darling,” was rescued back in February by LSCO deputies after getting caught in some mangroves. The 1,100 pound manatee has also recovered from some red-tide related health issues and has since been released back into the wild. The LSCO and officers from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission biologist and some volunteers did the honor of releasing “Darling,” back into open water on May 12th.
So happy that “Darling,” recovered so well and is doing better! Also very happy that she was able to return back to her natural habitat in the water.
Lil Brownie is a proud Latina from Dallas, Texas who loves tacos! You can hear her every morning with Big Mama and the Wild Bunch from 6-10 a.m. She loves her life and genuinely enjoys waking up every morning to work with amazing people. You can follow her on Instagram @lilbrownieradio