Science Says Spiders Dream While Asleep
Science Says Spiders Dream While Asleep.
You have undoubtedly witnessed a dog moving its legs in a dream while appearing to be running. According to an article by the New York Post, a recent study, which is the first to suggest that arachnids dream, spiders appear to behave in the same way. Rapid eye movement sleep, often known as REM sleep or the stage of sleep connected with dreaming, is thought to be evidenced by twitches in the body and limbs. Daniela Roessler, a postdoctoral fellow at the German University of Konstanz, used infrared cameras to observe sleeping spiders at night. The juvenile jumping spiders’ translucent heads, which provide a clear glimpse of their lidless eyeballs, twitched and curled when their retinal tubules moved.
Sooooo…Spiders Dream.
I wonder what they dream about? Do they have nightmares of humans crawling on them?
Wow. Is the Orkin Man really like the boogie man to them? I have so many questions now. Do crickets dream too? Do they like to sleep to the sounds of humans murmuring at night? Spiders dream?! What sort of implications does this mean?! I certainly can’t smash them when they find their way into my bathroom now! They DREAM! Do they have little spider hopes and dream too? They must have a sense of self.. if they dream…
Spider-Sense is REAL:
The discovery, according to experts, changes the landscape of when REM arose and expands the number of animals that display this human state. The spiderlings appeared to cycle through periods of REM just like people do. They lasted 77 seconds and happened every 20 minutes.
A Dream for Science:
Some might say that this could change everything about what we think animals are capable of. Perhaps we will think twice before we swap that annoying fly? I mean…Spiders can dream!
Spiders really ARE Amazing. But still the stuff of nightmares.