Men in Relationships Are Happier if They’re the Funny One
Men in Relationships Are Happier if They’re the Funny One.
If you tell your wife a bad joke? Does she still laugh? If she does, it’s probably what keeps you together.
According to the NYPOST, a recent study says that men seem to be happier in relationships when they believe they are the FUNNY ONE.
Researchers asked 150 couples how happy they were. The couples asked were together for about seven years on average. Therefore I assume that before the guy answered the question he must have looked at his wife to get an idea of what the right response should be.
They also inquired about the role of humor in their relationship, such as how frequently they joke around and how amusing they think the other person is. My wife says I’m not funny. Usually, after I say something that I think is very amusing. But thankfully she is there to assure me that it’s not.
In general, men are happier if they believe their partner thinks they are the funnier of the two. Now according to this poll, one would think that I would NOT be happy because my girl is always reminding me of how NOT funny I am. Well, rest assured I am VERY happy. That’s because I have a secret luxury that she doesn’t normally have. Here it is… I am RIGHT and she is WRONG. Most of the time. Just don’t let her know that I said that.
The study also discovered that humor is important in general and that the average man laughs just as hard at his wife’s jokes as she does at his. When my wife is wrong, I let her think that she’s right. Like how she thinks Narwals are mythical creatures like unicorns. That’s right honey. Narwals aren’t real. Tickles me ya know?
I do secretly hope that she really does think I’m funny. Why else would she put up with me? Maybe it’s my good looks? See… Told you I was funny.