Are Bad Gifts Relationship Killers?
Are Bad Gifts Relationship Killers?
I’ll give you a Christmas tip: if you’re dating someone and want the relationship to last, you had better get them something nice. According to a recent survey, 71% of the respondents said they wouldn’t buy a present for Christmas unless they had been dating for more than seven months. If you examine at the data, it also shows that 38% of respondents stated its time to dump this year if they don’t get the gift they desire. Wow, things in the field are really heating up. When I was younger, I recall one specific Christmas when my dad bought my mom a present that he thought she would enjoy and had it wrapped and placed in a bag that she adored. When my mother saw this, she experienced a mental spin. What might that be? She must have questioned whether it was the Tiffany bracelet of her dreams.
Bad Gifts:
My mom once threw her engagement ring on the grass when she was upset with my dad, so maybe he got her a new one. All the possible outcomes! The wonderful thing about bags and boxes is that you never know what treasures may be found inside. When my mom finally received the gift from my dad, she anxiously opened it. She struggled to contain her enthusiasm as it continued to grow. When she finally opened the gift, she found the present of her dreams… It was a car magazine. Due to the fact that they occasionally attend car exhibitions, He assumed she would enjoy it. Well done, dad. She never got over that mistake.
Gifts & your Relationship:
According to a recent poll by, seven out of ten of users spent a whopping zero dollars on thier signifigant other. Hey at least my dad tried. Look, If you want make sure that if you to stay together then get the right gift! Then again it depends on how steamy you want the relationship to be. You can’t play if you don’t pay…for a gift. Now why would I think that? Well, according to 38% of respondents, if the person they love doesn’t give them that unique gift from the person they’ve been dating for a while, they will break up with them. Yup. For real. Amazingly, 35% of respondents claimed to have done it before. Wow, there sure are a lot of dumpers around.
Thank goodness for science because it seems to be tackling the genuine problems in research. We wouldn’t be aware that 43% of individuals stated they wouldn’t exchange gifts with each other, but 62% of those insane people still purchased something anyways. The worst part is that they received nothing in return. Gasp! Isn’t love a battlefield?
Seriously though… If you base your love on a silly gift then that’s not real love at all. These polls just make humanity seem shallow and materialistic. Don’t belive the hype. My mom and dad have been married for almost 50 years. They have loved each other at their best and at their worst. They wouldn’t have each other any other way. Car magazine and all.
12 Tech Gifts For All Ages That Make The Best Gifts For The Holidays
Please note that items are in stock and prices are accurate at the time we published this list. Have an idea for a fun theme for a gift idea list you’d like us to create? Drop us a line at [email protected].