Florida Man Hits 130 MPH During Insane High-Speed Chase
A Florida man took police on an absolutely insane high-speed chase, putting not only his life but the lives of innocent people at stake. According to NBC2, 20-year-old Davin Cropper, decided to jeopardize everyone on the surrounding road by racing down U.S. Route 41 at 130 mph. Why? Because the Florida Highway Patrol troopers dared to pull him over for a modified exhaust. Apparently, Davin, instead of pulling over, he hit the gas, and he was gone in 60 seconds.
High-Speed Chase:
Now, troopers were up and ready to take off and get this guy, but then they saw him black out his lights and zoom through intersections at over 100 mph. They were smart enough to back off on the dangerous high-speed chase, before things got any worse. Because, let’s be real honest, that could’ve really ended badly for a lot of innocent people.
Eventually, the cops spotted him again, this time, creeping back to his house on located on Garland Street. But here’s the thing, this wasn’t Davin’s first attempt at irresponsible driving. Just back in March, he was racing a Tesla down Alico Road. This dude even had the nerve to post about it on social media back in June, bragging that he’d hit 160 mph and didn’t get caught.
Well, guess what, Davin? For this high-speed chase, you got caught. Now, he’s facing some serious charges of fleeing and eluding, reckless driving, and let’s not forget that fancy exhaust.

The truth is, it’s all some speedy fun and games until you’re risking lives in a high-speed chase with police. Driving at those kinds of speeds is absolutely stupid. He’s lucky this pursuit didn’t end up killing anyone. There’s a big difference between being fast and being reckless.