Fall Guide – Food & Drink
How To Order A Chucky Frappuccino At Starbucks
We're less than a week away from Halloween and if you're trying to get yourself in the mood, this week when you're at Starbucks you have to try the Chucky Frappuccino! Now, horror movie-inspired drinks aren't on the menu, however Holly Walker, a writer for the blog Totally the Bomb, came up with two drinks based on Chucky from "Child's Play" and Tiffany from "Bride of Chucky." How do you order them? For the Chucky drink, order a White Mocha Frappuccino, then ask for strawberry puree on the bottom of the cup and pumpkin spice powder on top of the whipped cream. For the "Bride of Chucky" drink, order a Chocolate Cookie Crumble Creme Frappuccino with white mocha sauce instead of mocha sauce, two pumps of funnel cake syrup and extra mocha drizzle. SOURCE: Fox News Chucky Frappuccino At Starbucks