How to Host an Awesome Christmas Party: 5 Tips for Success
It’s that festive time of the year again. Twinkling lights, bells are jingling, sleeping in heavenly peace and Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas” is playing on a loop….

It’s that festive time of the year again. Twinkling lights, bells are jingling, sleeping in heavenly peace and Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas” is playing on a loop. That’s right: Christmas party season is upon us. And this year, you might have volunteered or been forced—to host. Don’t panic! We’ve got you covered with this step-by-step guide to throwing a Christmas bash that is so amazing, that even Santa will RSVP.
Tip 1: Pick a Date... and Pray Everyone’s Available
Everyone’s busy during December. Everyone’s rushing to meet work deadlines and family gatherings, and a suspicious number of guests declining because of “prior commitments” (aka watching Christmas movies at home in their pajamas). So, send out a Save the Date early and hope you can find a date where more than three people can actually attend.
Avoid hosting on Christmas Eve unless you want to compete with Grandma’s cooking or midnight mass.
Tip 2: Deck the Halls (on a budget)
Everyone loves Christmas decorations until your living room resembles Santa’s workshop after the glitter gets everywhere. Yes, go ahead and hang some twinkling lights and ornaments on your Christmas tree, but remember, less is more. You want your guests to be filled with holiday spirit, not coughing up fake snow. If you’re having the party in your studio apartment and you’re expecting a lot of guests, you might want to avoid inflatables.
Tip 3: Christmas Party Songs
There are two types of Christmas music fans, the classic Christmas carols enthusiasts and the renditions of famous artists fans. Trying to please both camps is like trying to keep the peace between Drake and Kendrick Lamar fans. The solution? Balance. Mix the classics with modern hits and maybe throw in a couple of indie Christmas songs to impress your hipster cousin.
To get you started, check out this post here about artists you don't know have Christmas albums.
Tip 4: Decide on Finger Foods or Foods for the Foodies
When throwing a Christmas party, you can prepare a full-course meal that will leave you slaving in the kitchen for hours or a buffet of finger foods that are easy to prepare and you get to enjoy your party with your guests. The latter is the easier choice. Think charcuterie boards, sliders, and mini quiches. Just inform your guests that what you’ll be serving is finger food, especially your cousin who’s always on the lookout for a chance to gorge on steaks and mashed potatoes.
Bonus tip: Create a signature cocktail that will wow your guests (even if it's a recipe you just copied from the internet).
Tip 5: Games That Won’t Make Your Guests Hate You
Forget Monopoly or Scrabble. Christmas games should be fun, and fast-paced and will make everyone competitive; the losers will ignore the winners until New Year. Try a White Elephant Gift Exchange and see your family, friends, or officemates fight over the snow globe with a hula-hooping Santa Claus inside. Or consider playing Christmas charades. There’s nothing funnier than seeing your friends argue because one of them can’t properly act “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing.”
Tip 6: Set the Dress Code...
But don’t be strict about it! There’s a reason why Ugly Christmas Sweater Parties are a hit. They’re fun, they’re easy and everyone is eager to participate, and they remove the pressure of trying to look good. You can even up the ante by giving a special prize to the guest who wears the ugliest sweater even the Grinch will be so proud.
And there you have it, a Christmas party that will have everyone “volunteering” you again to host the party for next year. If you don’t want to be the host again next year, then ignore all these tips or do the opposite of our recommendations! Cheers!