9 Most Popular Pet Costumes For 2023
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If there’s something here you decide you just must have, we’ve provided links to the product websites. When you click on the link and make a purchase, Beasley Media Group may earn a commission. We are an Amazon Associate and earn from qualifying purchases.
Hey there, it’s Kelley here again for some extremely important news…pet Halloween costumes! Specifically, 9 of the most popular pet costumes for 2023! Every item on this list received a minimum of one thousand reviews and had at least four stars. You know I would never steer you wrong when it involves dogs or any other furry, fuzzy, or feathered friend.
Pretty much every year for the last nine years I’ve said to myself out loud ‘no way, I won’t torture Walter with a costume’ and then it’s October 31st and he’s giving me major side eye because of the (insert adorable costume here) I made him wear. To be fair, I only keep it on long enough to get a picture and until he eventually wriggles out of it on his own. I can’t help it, there are just so many great costumes out there.
Some of you probably pass out candy or even go trick-or-treating with your pets too I imagine! Every year, I see a few walking around the neighborhood and I'm always so excited to see them dressed up. I mean, who said Halloween had to just be for humans? Plus, some of the funniest costumes are great for pets. Like the ones where it looks like they're holding a package or have tiny human-like legs? Hilarious!
And I know not everyone has a dog, so I’ve included a few other ideas for your cat or even your hedgehog. Who knew? If you purchase one of these popular pet costumes share a picture of your pet dressed up with us on social!