7 Unique World Maps That Will Fuel Your Wanderlust
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It might not come as a surprise that when you’re scrolling through social media, you see most of the people you know are showing off their travel photos. You might even stop and wonder what they do for a living to be able to see and experience the world. They may not be rolling in cash, but they prioritize exploring new places if they have the time and resources to do so. Instead of investing in material things, they’re investing in adventure. And instead of trying to live vicariously through them, you should consider traveling as well since there are a lot of benefits to doing so.
Escape the Boring Adult Life
Bills, chores, responsibilities... we all have these! Try and escape for a few days and when you come back, they'll still be there. But at least, you’ll be more refreshed tackling them.
Collect Passport Stamps
Instead of collecting parking tickets, why not collect passport stamps? These stamps are proof that you’re out there enjoying your life. You might also want to start collecting your credit card bills to remember to pay for all those trips!
Become a Walking GPS
If you’re traveling with family and friends to a city or country you’ve been to before, you can be their very own GPS or personal tour guide (please tell them that you accept payments in the form of cocktail drinks or desserts!). Of course, getting lost and discovering holes in the wall is also part of an adventure but not if you have a tight schedule and full itinerary and you’re already walking in circles for the past five hours.
Experience Jet Lag
If you haven’t experienced jet lag, you have not yet lived, my friend. Experiencing jet lag is like having a hangover but more fun since it’s your body’s way of telling you, “Hey! You’ve traveled! Congratulations for having the strength and willpower to get your lazy bum off the couch!”
Prettify Your Instagram Feed
Make your Instagram page look like a travel agency ad! Post all your selfies in the places you’ve been to. You’ve paid a lot to get that beautiful sunset shot in Praia da Falésia in Olhos de Agua, Portugal, TripAdvisor’s number 1 beach in the world for 2024. They wouldn’t know it took you 23 tries to capture the perfect shot.
You Need an Excuse to Buy a Scratch-off World Map...
Scratch-off world maps have been around for a while, offering a subtle (humble bragging) way to show off all the countries you’ve visited.
... and Overpriced Sunglasses
Do you know those expensive sunglasses that’ve been sitting in your online shopping cart for a long time? Now’s the perfect time to purchase them because you’ll be jet-setting around the world, and let’s face it, your old shades can’t handle the sunshine on the other side of the globe!
It Might be More Affordable than Therapy
I am not belittling the positive effects and impact of therapy, but some people just needed a mental reset and a change of scenery. If you’re feeling stressed and want to get away from your stressors, travel! Traveling offers you a chance to breathe, collect your thoughts and work through all your emotions. It also comes with a bonus of epic views and tasty food.