Charlie Sheen is Selling Babe Ruth’s World Series Ring
Two names we never thought would share a headline together. Yes, it is true, Charlie Sheen does own a legendary piece of sports memorabilia. Babe Ruth’s 1927 World Series ring…

April 1927: Baseball player Babe Ruth (George Herman Ruth, 1895 – 1948) taking a swipe at an enormous ball. (Photo by Fox Photos/Getty Images)
Fox Photos / StringerTwo names we never thought would share a headline together.
Yes, it is true, Charlie Sheen does own a legendary piece of sports memorabilia. Babe Ruth’s 1927 World Series ring is going to be sold to the highest bidder at
A lot of people want to get their hands on this consigned ring. Currently, the bid is up to $611,000 and, according to ESPN, makes it the “highest-priced sports championship ring ever sold.” They are also selling "an original copy of the 1919 sale sheet that sent Ruth from the Red Sox to the Yankees” says CBS Boston. The auction house expects to have the impressive ring sold by Friday.
Previous to Sheen purchasing the 1919 sale sheet, the former Red Sox owner Harry Frazee owned a copy of the item until he passed away in 1929. The copy of the papers were then sold shortly after for a whopping $996,000 in 2005. Sheen then purchased the documents in the 90’s along with the ring, however, he does not remember how much he paid for the historical items.
He received the items through the same auction house he is now using to resell the items. For most of the time that Sheen had the ring and papers in his possession, he displayed them with pride in his bar area at his home.
Sheen told ESPN that he “enjoyed these incredible items for more than two decades and the time has come. Whatever price it brings is gravy.” The actor is hoping that both items will be a part of a fan or collector’s life.
According to CBS Boston, these are not the first two baseball-related items that Sheen has purchased. In 1992, he also purchased the baseball that passed through Bill Buckner’s legs in Game 6 of the 1986 World Series. He purchased the item for $93,000 and then resold it in 2000 for $63,000.
Whomever purchases such items will have quite the story to tell. Not only because of the items’ history but also because they were both owned by Charlie Sheen.