The #TidePodChallenge Is Old News. The #IkeaChallenge Is What’s New
As silly as this one is, trespassing is still a lot better than death from eating detergent. The goal of this new #challenge is to spend 24 hours inside of an Ikea. As you can guess, this means staying in the store after closing hours. If you’ve been in an Ikea store, you can see there’s actually quite a few places you can hide out to get past closing time. And of course, access to those meatballs…..
Watch: There's an #IKEAChallenge that has gone viral where young kids are hiding out and spending the night at the stores after closing
— Global Grind (@GlobalGrind) February 12, 2018
** I’m not encouraging this challenge. Because it went viral over the weekend the workers are watching out. It’s probably already time for what’s next. For that, I’m introducing the #SendJoeADollarChallenge
All money raised will be used to buy dog toys for my Yorkie, Daisy. This is what she does when she accidentally leaves a toy outside: