
Today Is National Pet Day

Here are some fun facts: – 80% of couples discuss pets before getting engaged (The Knot) – A survey by reveals that 89% of pet owners treat their pets…

Here are some fun facts:

- 80% of couples discuss pets before getting engaged (The Knot)

- A survey by reveals that 89% of pet owners treat their pets to human snacks.

- 8% of people started dating someone as a result of a chance meeting of two pets (Playbuzz)

- 45% of people throw birthday parties for their pets (More Than Pet Insurance)

- 8% of pets have a Facebook, Twitter or Instagram page (More Than Pet Insurance)

- 65% of people feature their pets on their social media profiles. (

- 29% of people have more pictures of their pet than family or friends on their social media profiles. (

- A survey by the pet camera maker Petcube reveals that 84% of pet owners show more affection to their pet than to their partner

- A survey by the makers of the new video game The Sims 3 Pets reveals that one in eight men have used their pet to help themselves find a date.

Sleep Survey

A study by the Mayo Clinic reveals that people sleep better when they cuddle with their pets.

Dr Lois Krahn tells the Daily Mail: ''We found that many people find comfort and a sense of security from sleeping with their pets. Today, many pet owners are away from their pets for much of the day, so they want to maximize their time with them when they are home. Having them in the bedroom at night is an easy way to do that. Most people assume having pets in the bedroom is a disruption. We found that many people actually find comfort and a sense of security from sleeping with their pets.''

Naughty Dog Breeds

A survey by Pets at Home reveals that 66% of pet owners say their dog has eaten something they shouldn't have. Other findings:

- 40% of pet owners have returned home to find an 'unwelcome present' (dog waste) in their house.

- 25% of pet owners have returned home to find furniture chewed and ruined

- Top 10 Worst Behaved Dog Breeds

1. Labrador
2. Jack Russell
3. Cocker Spaniel
4. Staffordshire Bull Terrier
5. Border Collie
6. Golden Retriever
7. Labrador Retriever
8. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
9. German Shepherd
10. Yorkshire Terrier

Singles And Pets Survey

A survey by Animal Friends reveals that 20% of singles would rather date someone with a pet than a non-pet owner. Other findings:

- 33% of people would much rather kiss a pet owner than a non-pet owner.

- 12% of people would dump a partner if they disliked their pet.

- 50% of people would not date someone who owned a pet snake.

- 55% of people would not date someone who owned a pet tarantula

- 10% of single men of use their dog as a wingman

Puppy Love

A survey by reveals that 80% of singles are pet lovers. Other findings:

- 59% of singles are more attracted to dates that have adopted their pet

- 66% of people would not date someone, who didn't like pets

- 65% of singles say that their date's choice in pets says a lot about their personality

- 20% of women find photos of pets in online dating profiles a turn-on

- men are twice as likely to use their pet to attract a potential date than women (17% vs. 8%)

- 72% of singles think their dates' reaction to their pet is important.

- 29% of women have been more attracted to someone because of their pet.

- 28% of people think that a relationship could not work with a "cat person"

- 9% of people think that a relationship could not work with a "dog person"

Wacky Pet Names

Nationwide Insurance is out with their list of the Wackiest Pet Names. They got the names from looking at their database of 600,000 insured pets.


Little Booty Ham Sandwich
Obi Wan Catnobi
Winston Purrchill
The Great Catsby
Jabba the Butt
Isaac Mewton
Whiskerus Maximus
Ninja Killer Nine Thousand
Fifty Shades of Graham
Dog the Cat


Dunkin Butterbeans
Farrah Pawcett
Fiona Penny Pickles
The Other Dude
Yeti Spaghetti
Colonel Mustache
Empress Tzu Tzu
Tango Mango
Choo Choo Boo Boo