Ben Affleck Was Replaced?
People magazine claims several tabloids recently reported that Chris Hemsworth has replaced Ben Affleck as Matt Damon’s best friend.
Affleck jokingly tweeted; “Hey @chrishemsworth, you can have him! I’m Team @JimmyKimmel anyways”
Hemsworth responded: ”Sorry mate not my fault! He’s just a big @Marvel fan, not @DCComics. How do you like them apples . @jimmykimmel the ball is in your court. Choose wisely. You can check out some of the tweets below.
Hey @chrishemsworth, you can have him! I'm Team @JimmyKimmel anyways.
— Ben Affleck (@BenAffleck) April 21, 2018
Sorry mate not my fault! He’s just a big @Marvel fan, not @DCComics.
— Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) April 21, 2018
How do you like them apples 😘. @jimmykimmel the ball is in your court. Choose wisely...
Hey @jimmykimmel sounds like you’ve chosen your side. Guess I’m not coming on your show this week. Good luck finding another Avenger named Chris.
— Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) April 21, 2018
You know what, @jimmykimmel ... I’m coming on your show now just to upset you.
— Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) April 22, 2018
Not coming on my show will be another thing you and Matt have in common! @BenAffleck
— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) April 22, 2018
To be honest, I'm happy for both of us.
— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) April 23, 2018