
Volkswagon Takes Huge Stand Against Texting While Driving

Texting and driving is dangerous.  People who do it, know that it’s a very dangerous thing to do.  Even if you know you’re an excellent driver, take a look at…

LONDON, ENGLAND – SEPTEMBER 18: (EDITORS NOTE: Image has been digitally altered) Guests text on their phones outside the Brewer Street car park during London Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2016/17 on September 18, 2015 in London, England. (Photo by Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images)

Gareth Cattermole / Staff

Texting and driving is dangerous.  People who do it, know that it's a very dangerous thing to do.  Even if you know you're an excellent driver, take a look at what goes on here in Southwest Florida.  If it's not the tourists, it's the snowbirds crossing three lanes of traffic so they don't miss their turn.  If you're looking down at your phone when one of the blue hairs from Wisconsin goes shooting across your lane on 41, it's happening.  There's going to be a wreck.  Texting and driving is dangerous.  Volkswagon is making an interesting statement.

Volkswagon is making Iphone cases out of cars that were wrecked in texting and driving crashes.  My first thought is "Why would I want an Iphone case made of jagged metal and broken glass".  Not sure I want THAT in my pocket.  Thankfully that's not completely true.

Actually, the cases look pretty cool and VW is donating the proceeds to charity.  However, the superstitious side of me wonders if carrying around a piece of a wrecked car while driving is a solid idea. But if you gotta have it, here's the site:

Don't text and drive ya'll.  It's a bad idea.

Joe Winner spends his days combing through memes and off beat stories to bring you the side of Florida not always seen.