Need A Girl’s Night In Project? Make Some Candy Necklaces!
Let’s face it: going out is expensive and overrated.
It’s National Candy Month, and though we’d never call “Candy” “Junk” per say, we thought that it might be a fun craft for a Girl’s Night In, or a fun project to do with middle school-high school girls, or even a bachelorette party/shower party activity!
Of course, Martha Stewart would happen to know a thing or two about this – and her site had a very cool informative video on how to make “adult” looking versions of candy necklaces!
Things You’ll Need:
– A Strong Needle
– Candy Of Your Choice (Best options would be jelly beans, gum balls, or anything with a little play that’s soft. Don’t use hard candy!)
– Fishing line, clear plastic string, tiger tail wire, or some form of string.
Watch the video below to see how the instructor does this simple task of stringing the necklace up, and then knotting the beads below.
Then, if you’d like to give them as gifts, you could either put them in little cellophane baggies (you can typically find those at Target or JoAnn’s) or get small boxes and ribbon to seal the boxes.
And there you have it!