How YOU Can Help Someone Start Their Day Off Right – Steal This Idea!
It’s the little things that can make us happy. And what makes me the happiest is my ability to make others happy. The US Highbrush Blueberry Council did a survey about the…

WASHINGTON – OCTOBER 14: The words “In God We Trust” are seen on U.S. currency October 14, 2004 in Washington, DC. Although the U.S. constitution prohibits an official state religion, references to God appear on American money, the U.S. Congress starts its daily session with a prayer, and the same U.S. Supreme Court that has consistently struck down organized prayer in public schools as unconstitutional opens its public sessions by asking for the blessings of God. The Supreme Court will soon use cases from Kentucky and Texas to consider the constitutionality of Ten Commandments displays on government property, addressing a church-state issue that has ignited controversy around the country. (Photo Illustration by Alex Wong/Getty Images)
(Photo Illustration by Alex Wong/Getty Images)It's the little things that can make us happy. And what makes me the happiest is my ability to make others happy. The US Highbrush Blueberry Council did a survey about the little things in life that can brighten our mood.
- Unexpectedly finding money in your pocket.
- Sleeping in with no alarm.
- Just lying in bed listening to the rain.
- Someone else doing something nice for you.
- Petting a dog.
This is where something I already do gets validated. See, she doesn't know this, but I''ll occasionally open my girlfriend's dresser and put a 10 or 20 dollar bill in her pocket. It's usually a pair of jeans she'd already worn but wasn't dirty enough to put in the wash. Now, when she gets those pants out, some surprise money. Instantly she's in a great mood the rest of the day.
I can't do this too often, she'll either catch on or think she's losing her mind and can't keep track of her money.
It's really the little things that can make us the most happy. Here's the full list on this NY Post article.