Horse Found ‘Shivering Uncontrollably’ After Surviving Camp Fire
A man in Paradise, California returned to the devastated area after being evacuated and found a horse alive and well in a backyard swimming. The horse was seeking refuge from…

(Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)
A man in Paradise, California returned to the devastated area after being evacuated and found a horse alive and well in a backyard swimming. The horse was seeking refuge from the fire.
ABC News reported, "The mule shook off the water, stood "shoulder-to-shoulder" with her rescuers and appeared to thank them. "She came up and put her head in between us, let us love on her a little bit as a thank you," Hill said. The mule then turned to walk away, but shot one last glance toward them. "As she was walking away, she looked back at us one more time," Hill said. "I felt it was reassurance, saying, 'I'm OK,' and 'Thank you.'""