Fix Your TV and Rewatch Game of Thrones’ Latest Episode
If you were one of the many that found it hard to watch the epic battle on Game of Thrones over the weekend luckily there is a way to fix…

If you were one of the many that found it hard to watch the epic battle on Game of Thrones over the weekend luckily there is a way to fix your tv set and watch it again so that you can see things better.
Without getting too technical as to why the episode was so dark and pixelated, we'll just skip to the how you can watch it again and know who got killed and who survived the episode.
First, find the best quality stream. Some companies broadcast shows at a different bandwidth. Then check the brightness setting on your TV. If your set has a movie, cinema, or calibrated mode use that.
After that turn up the backlight level so you can see what's going on, then turn off bright lights in the room.
If none of this works for you just wait until the Blu-Ray for the final season comes out.
Did you have trouble watching the latest GoT episode?