Snickers wants to change date of Halloween, pledges to give away 1 million candy bars if that happens
Snickers is pulling off the ultimate promotion. They are pledging to give away 1 million candy bars if the government changes the date for Halloween. Although, it has to be…

(Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty Images)
(Photo by Jemal Countess/Getty Images)Snickers is pulling off the ultimate promotion. They are pledging to give away 1 million candy bars if the government changes the date for Halloween.
Although, it has to be the last Saturday in October.
A petition has resurfaced asking for the date change and Snickers has officially hopped on the bandwagon. It's here if you want to sign.
Joe WinnerWriter
Joe Winner spends his days combing through memes and off beat stories to bring you the side of Florida not always seen.