Twitter Loses It After Video Showing How to ‘Peel and Eat’ Pineapple Goes Viral
A video has surfaced that has caused people to rethink their whole life-well, just the part that eats pineapples. A woman is seen pulling chunks of pineapple away in sections by…

(Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)
(Photo by David McNew/Getty Images)A video has surfaced that has caused people to rethink their whole life-well, just the part that eats pineapples. A woman is seen pulling chunks of pineapple away in sections by grabbing the spiny exterior and tearing the fruit away from the core. The bottom of the pineapple appears to be cut off. The video has generated 16 million views and counting. Before you try this at home (as some did and had little to no success) the pineapple needs to be very ripe and you start from the bottom, removing the stem end.
Joe WinnerWriter
Joe Winner spends his days combing through memes and off beat stories to bring you the side of Florida not always seen.