Making A Halloween Candy Slide For Halloween 2020
Halloween 2020 has some challenges as people are concerned about COVID-19 and social distancing while still celebrating this fun holiday. While not all states are allowing trick or treating, for…
This is how it will look on Halloween night.
N. BrooksHalloween 2020 has some challenges as people are concerned about COVID-19 and social distancing while still celebrating this fun holiday. While not all states are allowing trick or treating, for those that are we have created a way to have trick or treaters come to your house but keep their social distance.
We call it the Halloween Candy Slide. For this tory, my husband Randy and my son Jackson put their creative heads together and their man power to build our first ever Halloween Candy Slide to make sure our guests keep their distance but still get some treats.
Check out the video below for a step by step guide to building your own slide.
To help out we also are including a Gallery of items for Halloween Candy Slide building.