“Top Gun: Maverick” Beat “The Avengers” and is now the Ninth Highest-Grossing Film
Variety Magazine put a list of the 10 biggest grossing movies of all time. I wonder how many you have seen? We want to run through them all right now. When it comes to the movies like these we will see how many Big Mama has seen.
- Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Big Mama hasn’t seen this or any of the new ones.
- Avengers: Endgame: Big mama loves this movie
- Spider-Man: No Way Home: Big Mama’s son loves this movie.
- Avatar: Who hasn’t seen this movie?
- Black Panther: Big Mama has seen this and most all marvel movies
- Avengers: Infinity War: Yes again of course.
- Titanic: Yes have you not heard the story of Big Mama crying on a date? We will tell it after the list.
- Jurassic World: Yes Big Mama has seen this and wants to control dinos with his hands.
- Top Gun: Maverick: No his wife won’t take him.
- The Avengers Yes Big Mama has seen it
The story of Titanic: Big Mama as on a date back when Titanic was in theaters. The watched the movie and left. After the movie Big Mama was crying his eyes out. He kept saying “why did she let go?” It went on for the entire ride home. The date? She sat there silently. Now they arrive at her house to take her home. He said you want me to come in? She politely said no and exited the vehicle. It was last time he would ever see here again.
What did we learn?
Don’t cry at the movies on a date? There is a story of Big Mama crying at ET but you will have to ask him about this story on your time. That is the story.