A Pit Bull Saved a Family from a Fire, and Tried to Drag a Baby Out by Its Diaper
Earlier this month, a mom in Stockton, California named Nana Chai left her eight month-old pit bull Sasha in the backyard overnight. Then around midnight, it started
barking like crazy and scratching on the door.
It turned out a neighbor’s apartment had caught FIRE while they weren’t home. And nobody in the apartment complex realized it. But when Nana got up to check on Sasha,
she saw the fire.
So at that point, she ran back to her bedroom to get her 7-month-old BABY. But Sasha was way ahead of her . . . and was already there trying to drag the kid out by her
Nana took over and carried the kid the rest of the way. And in the end, everyone in the apartment complex made it out safely, including the dog. (Get the full story here Sacramento Bee)
This is the fire that a pit bull alerted her family to in Stockton! They credit her with saving their lives https://t.co/vHX2iEpTft pic.twitter.com/vDs1B5mnic
— Tom Miller (@TomMillerNews) June 8, 2018
By the way, that isn’t the only hero dog story in the news right now. And this one ALSO involves a pit bull: A two-year-old girl in Kentucky went missing last week after she wandered into some woods near her house. And apparently her family’s pit bull stayed with her for TWO DAYS to keep her safe. (Get the full story here)