Fort Myers Farmer’s Market Find, Local Organic Produce
Check out this week’s Fort Myers Farmer’s Market Find, local organic produce from 12 Seasons Farm. Not only is it beautiful and colorful but it really does taste good. I…

Check out this week's Fort Myers Farmer's Market Find, local organic produce from 12 Seasons Farm. Not only is it beautiful and colorful but it really does taste good. I bought some tomatoes last week, and wait for it...they actually tasted like tomatoes. Ripe, juicy delicious tomatoes. It made me realize how much bad produce I often settle for in big grocery stores.
Health and nutrition experts tell us to eat our fruits and vegetables on one hand. On the other hand, we are encouraged to stay away from chemicals and pesticides. That can be a problem with produce. We don't always know where it is grown. Then again, even if we do know the name of the farm, we don't know what the farmers used on the fields for weed, insect and pest control.
That's where organic comes in. This type of farming is more difficult and more expensive. In addition, the hot humid Florida weather also offers challenges to organic farming. However, it's generally kinder and gentler on the earth and better for our bodies.
Organic produce
Farmer's Markets are full of all kinds of produce. Most of it is local, but not all. It can be overwhelming, trying to decide which stand to buy from. For me, I try to support the small growers who are passionate about providing quality, chemical free produce. It tastes better too. 12 Seasons has a small tent at the east end of Lakes Park Farmer's Market in Fort Myers every Wednesday. However, they also appear at the Bonita Springs Farmer's Market on Saturdays. They have an online order system as well.
Finally, here are some pictures that might just make you want to get in the kitchen this week.

Fort Myers Farmer’s Market Finds, Mini Donuts
Fort Myers Farmer's Market Finds, Mini Donuts. If you have a sweet tooth, you need to know about the Dippidy Donuts Food Truck that appears at local farmer's markets. Last month I was talking to a friend who was going on about how happy she was that the Lake's Regional Park Farmer's Market was finally open in Fort Myers. The park off of Gladiolus was closed for a few months following Hurricane Ian, forcing market vendors to temporarily relocate. I too love this market and try to stop by on Wednesdays when it is open.
My friend, talking about some of the new vendors this season, gasped and put her hand on her chest. "There's even a donut food truck. They make the donuts right there, hot and fresh. That is just sooooo wrong," she said. This is one of those cases where wrong really means right. Unless you are talking about your diet. Until then, I had not noticed to the truck. Perhaps it was hard to see through the crowd that often gathers in front of it. I like to think it was because my focus was on healthful fresh produce.
Finding the mini donuts
Regardless, last week, I set out to find this evil hot donut truck. I quietly got an order of cinnamon sugar mini's and suddenly understood what she meant. Each little bite was perfectly cooked and coated in flavor. So when this week's market day rolled around, I went back for more. In addition, I took some time to get to know the owners, Tim and Michelle Jenkins.
They are from the Midwest where they owned a corporate event center and an Ax throwing business. The Jenkins have two daughters, are an active family, and wanted to live in an area where they could be outdoors all year long. They also love the water. Southwest Florida checked all the boxes so they sold their businesses and relocated.
Knowing that I write about food, wine and travel, they gave me a behind the scenes look at their compact operation. Here is a video of the small by mighty donut fryer.
Enjoy these photos of my latest Fort Myers Farmer's Market Finds, mini donuts from Dippidy. By they way, you can reserve the food truck for events.
Dippidy Donuts Food Truck

Miniature donut maker

Hot out of the fryer

Cinnamon Sugar


Tutti Fruity Donuts

Chocolate donuts

Tim and Michelle Jenkins

Food truck at Lake's Regional Park