Cold Snap Could Cause Iguanas To Fall From Trees This Week In Southwest Florida
If you’ve enjoyed the warmer temperatures we’ve had over the last week, it’s about the change and this upcoming cold snap could cause iguanas to fall from trees this week in Southwest Florida.
Before moving to Florida nearly 7 years ago, I had lived in a few different places, all in the Midwest. Lots of cold and snow and ice and I knew that eventually I wanted to get away from that and never be cold again. It’s funny how when you move to a warmer climate like here in Fort Myers, you forget how your body handled it and now temperatures under 70 make you shiver. I think it’s definitely true what they say about your blood thinning over time. And it’s not only humans that have to adapt to weather changes, iguanas do too, and they don’t like the cold either.
Cold Snap Could Cause Iguanas To Fall From Trees This Week
The last few days the weather has been amazing, even hitting 80 this week again, but that’s about to change. With the rain and thunderstorms today comes a cold front that will make tonight and tomorrow morning downright chilly. In Southwest Florida tomorrow, we’ll see a high of 71, a low of 43. Up in the Tampa area, it will be even colder tomorrow with temps only hit 63, a low of 39. You know what that means? We won’t be the only ones freezing. The iguanas will be too. And when that happens, you’ll want to make sure you look up.
If you haven’t heard of falling iguanas, it is a very real thing that happens to these reptiles when temperatures drop below 45 degrees. Because they’re cold-blooded, when it gets that cold outside they can seize up and can actually fall out of trees. If you come across one, it may appear to be dead, but it’s actually just stunned from the cold.
I remember hearing a story last year about a woman who picked on up and put it in her car in a blanket and as soon as it warmed up, the iguana perked right up while she was driving and scared her half to death. So be careful! It may be too cold for them to be active, but they’re very much alive and well. They, like me, just need a little sunshine.
Stay warm! And beware of falling iguanas!