Burger King Bandit Busted After Leaving Feast at Florida Crime Scene
The Florida man, AKA, the Burger King Bandit, busted into a car and did the unthinkable. He left behind his Burger King order. He might have thought that he was being slick, but after leaving a whopper of a clue, cops caught him.
According to WWSB, On Friday night, back on June 14, in Englewood, some guys came back from a boat ride and found their car getting jacked. They saw the rear window smashed and a dude inside. This guy, Vladimir Belyshev Jr., took off running toward S. McCall Rd. But here’s where he really messed up. He ditched his e-bike with a silver cup full of some mystery booze and ice. He also left a backpack with clothes, an energy drink, a cold Bud Light, and a fresh Burger King meal. Now why would he go and waste a perfewctly good BK meal? Three double-bacon cheeseburgers and a chicken sandwich. Now tht’s criminal.
Burger King Bandit:
Detectives pieced it together and found out Belyshev had stopped at a nearby market, bought two Bud Lights, and used the same silver cup found at the scene to get ice. The Burger King couldn’t find any records of the order, but who cares?
On June 26, deputies found the Burger King Bandit at his job and grilled him about the incident. He folded and confessed, not just to this crime but to two others, including one in Sarasota County.
The Charlotte County Sheriff, Bill Prummell, threw some shade, saying people might not think it’s a big deal, but the victims sure do. The guy’s now sitting in the Charlotte County Jail. Sheriff Prummell said, “In Charlotte County, you can’t have it your way unless you’ve earned it. Now this ‘Big King’ is chilling in a new castle – my Charlotte County Jail.”
Now the Burger King Bandit is facing a bunch of charges including multiple burglaries, criminal mischief, theft, and a probation violation. He’s got a list of charges longer than the menu at Burger King. Now, he get’s to munch on prison food instead of his beloved double-bacon cheeseburgers.