People Have Some Thoughts After Demi Lovato Unfollowed Selena Gomez
There’s a lot of drama swirling around the seemingly nonexistent friendship of Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez these days, but let’s get our facts straight.
Before we speculate about the current unfollow, let’s sort through the trail of unfollows between the two, shall we?
Years ago, (in 2014, to be exact) Lovato unfollowed Gomez on Twitter.
According to ENews, at the time, Lovato revealed that her and Gomez had grown apart.
Fast forward to 2018, and it was actually Gomez who unfollowed Lovato on Instagram first.
So, why would Lovato wait all this time to unfollow Gomez, especially since Selena hasn’t even used the social platform in months?
No one knows really, but one fan in particular had a really good theory, by saying her actions mean she wants everyone to know this person (Selena) isn’t welcome in her life right now.
Other fans shared their thoughts on the matter as well:
Isn’t it funny that a simple “unfollow” can say so much nowadays!
— Alexis Ray (@Ray717Alexis) November 19, 2018
— Amberdb72 (@Amberdb721) November 19, 2018
I can understand that. Selena unfortunately has a ton of problems and Demi can’t have that around her as she’s trying to get better.
— Roxanne Donaghy (@PanamaRoxy) November 19, 2018
instagram is not real life it’s just a follow button
— 👸🏻 (@alexrussosellyy) November 20, 2018
QCWriter is a journalist who is fueled by espresso and motivated by determination. She specializes in pop culture, country music, and news content.