5% of People Say They Have Only Kissed One Person
How many people have you kissed? When I say kiss, I mean romantically. Not your mom or a smooch from Gram Gram. We’re talking steamy passion kisses. How many during…

How many people have you kissed? When I say kiss, I mean romantically. Not your mom or a smooch from Gram Gram. We're talking steamy passion kisses. How many during your life? Well, according to a new poll by YouGov, The most frequent response, given by 20% of kissers was "5 to 10." Really?! Dang, are they a bunch of squares? Or do you got no game?
Man back in my day, we had a game called spin the bottle. We would spin that thing every Friday night! Then again, Now that I have a daughter I'm hoping that game is long forgotten... Nevermind. Forget I said anything. Okay back to the poll.
With 3% of people claiming they haven't had a kiss yet, 27% of respondents chose answers with LESS than five alternatives. 30% of people replied MORE THAN 10, with 12% saying "26 or more." "26 or more" was more frequently uttered by men. Sure player. We believe you.
10% of respondents stated they "prefer not to say," while another 12% claimed they had no idea how many persons they had kissed romantically. Yup some places make those drinks strong. I guess in this day and age, with everyone getting Covi...Colds. Who wants random people's mouth germs anyways? Gross.
Kiss This: