Bug Invasion: Florida Man’s Face Swells as Nose Becomes Habitat for Critters
Normally I sleep pretty well here in Cape Coral. However, I gotta tell you about this crazy nightmare I had the other night. I’m talking a bug invasion nightmare. Bugs everywhere. Crawling in my nose, in my ears, you name it. I woke up sweating bullets, feeling like I had just survived the worst horror of my life. Call it Spicy food, bad sushi maybe? Who knows why I’m dreaming about bugs? Scary stuff regardless.
Now, imagine my horror when I heard about this dude right here in Florida, who actually lived my nightmare. According to Fox8, this poor guy’s face swells up like a balloon, lips looking like he just got stung by a hive of angry bees. Can hardly talk, he’s in so much pain. So, he books it over to the hospital, and what do they find? A bug party up in his nasal passages.
This really was the thing of nightmares. The doctor said he’d never seen anything like it. The worst part was they had to pull out the little things one by one. That sounds like the most horrific game of Operation ever. And get this, some of the bugs were described as being as big as the tip of a pinky finger. So how did they get there? Our Florida man said that maybe he should of been more careful when cleaning dead fish. He thought he could have been washing his hands better… Gross.
Bug Invasion:
Now, the guy’s doctor said that regular immune systems would’ve squashed those bugs like they were nothing. But my man here had a run-in with cancer back in the day, so his immune system didn’t work normally. And the bugs took advantage of them.
Thankfully, they hooked him up with some anti-parasitic meds, and now he’s on the road to being bug free. But you better believe he’s gonna think twice next time he’s out fishing, cleaning them dead fish. Wash your hands bro. You can’t let bugs turn your face into an all-you-can-eat buffet.
I’m definitely not eating any spicy food tonight. I can’t handle any more bug nightmares after hearing about this. In fact, no more fish for a while either. Especially sushi.