Just When You Thought You Couldn’t Like Farrah Abraham Any Less
Another day, another headline is making the rounds about Farrah Abraham. What is this world coming to?
To be clear, we don’t even want to put ink to this story, but apparently, Abraham is quite popular these days — depending on who you ask.
According to TMZ, Farrah will be featured on a porn show that will stream live the day before Halloween.
Unless her birthday suit is considered a costume, the reality star will NOT be wearing any festive Halloween attire.
She will also be starring in the video solo, with some props.
Apparently, the last time she hosted a similar show, the website streaming all the action crashed.
Sounds like Kim K. isn’t the only one who can break the internet.
QCWriter is a journalist who is fueled by espresso and motivated by determination. She specializes in pop culture, country music, and news content. You can follow her on Twitter by clicking here: @QCWriter.